THEN…………. Scroll down to read Fur-Zoff product benefits, reviews, and see where you can PURCHASE YOURS!


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You are one purchase away from removing all of that difficult to pick up pet hair. With your Fur-Zoff, it’s easy! Simply grab the hard yet lightweight rock-like Fur-Zoff, swipe the surface you want cleaned, and the hair is removed. Use the Fur-Zoff on carpets, furniture, clothing, comforters, pillows, blankets, car interiors, and other fabric surfaces. While removing pet hair, you will be wielding this lightweight Fur-Zoff which is made from 90% post-consumer recycled material. It is hypoallergenic and odor free. Your furz-off will grab hairs that are embedded in carpets and fabrics, effectively wisping them up as the porous surface catches onto them.

You want to get the most out of your Fur-Zoff and here is how. As you brush with the the Fur-Zoff, hairs will be lifted from the fabric or material, but they will not stick to the stone. This is an advantage the Fur-Zoff has over other types of pet hair removal tools! Hair removed by a Fur-Zoff can be swept into a pile and lifted from the Fur-Zoff easily. Other pet hair removal tools might act more like a velcro material which unfortunately allows hair and fur the stick into them too much, making them difficult to remove. Not the Fur-Zoff!

You can remove pet hair after one or two sweeping strokes strokes with the Fur-Zoff, OR use the Fur-Zoff to brush all the pet hair into a small cluster on the fabric or material; then remove it by hand. Use a sweeping motion with the Fur-Zoff, and repeat. Simple and effective!

Review of Reviews: Dog Splendor provides aggregated feedback after reading online reviews so you don’t have to spend all of that time

Overall, This produt has an overwhelming amount of terrific positive online reviews!

And here are solutions to some of the only very few issues that were commented on.

-Issue: some purchasers wrote that the Fur-Zoff scratched their fine fabrics:

Solution: A Fur-Zoff may not be recommended for some very light, delicate, or sheer materials such as silk or sheer microfiber. However, a Fur-Zoff seems unsurpassed when used on average or heavier (non-delicate) materials like rugs, carpets, furniture, bedding, and common clothing for optimal pet hair removal! If you have fine fabric and want to use a Fur-Zoff, test the Fur-Zoff first on a similair fabric of something you will not be concerned with if there are any scratches. If you have fine fabric, silk, or are otherwise worried that it might scratch your light or delicate material, initially use very light pressure from your hand when you make your first few sweeps. You can vary the pressure from soft to hard depending on what fabric you are using.


-Issue: Some purchasers wrote that they did not like the fact that their Fur-Zoff had some fine particulates or grey “dust” on it when they first opened the package and first used it.

Solution: Yes, there may be some fine material dust that comes off a brand new Fur-Zoff; just rinse your Fur-Zoff off with water once you open it. This should wash off any dust or particulates that it might be shipped with. You should not see any more dust after that. It is actually not uncommon for pet hair removal tools to be wetted with water as this can aid in clumping together pet hair.


issue- some purchasers said they had trouble picking up short coarse pet hair with their Fur-Zoff.

Solution - Short Coarse hair is one of the most difficult types of pet hair to remove for ANY tool out there, not just a Fur-Zoff; However, try wetting your Fur-Zoff with water. That short hair might just clump better now as you sweep it into a pile then remove with your hand.